internship is ending soon, final report due after the soon. i think i learn much more about advertising during my almost 3 months internship than 2 years plus in the university. I learn a lot about advertising rules and mass comm theories in uni but nothing compare to real life experiences in an ad agency. So please choose wisely when applying for internship, choose a company that you think which give you the best training. Don't settle for second best. To tell you the truth I was darn fortunate to get into the agency i am interning now, cant thank them enough for giving me this opportunity to learn and build friendship with amazing people. Thank you.
This few week was really happening for me, been meeting up with friend that i never seen for awhile now. Watch short+ sweet Malaysia 2008 at was Awesome. Watch movies like 4BIA, its the funniest Thai horror movie i seen....aik aik aikkkk........... Today was Penelope, fairy tale+modern+love story kinda movie... typical should bring your gf and watch...haha...thanks to my friend sweet sweet i get to watch the premiere. First movie premiere i been lor...katak di bawah tempurong. Thanksin your face...
Agency: Publicis, Frankfurt
still on my brain, always in my heart...cos i heart you (i need to learn geography)
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