small talk.

Who do you run to when the only person who can make you stop crying, is the one who makes you cry?

''advertising is when the consumer goes to the toilet''

"This means two things. First, the police are more gangsters than the gangsters. Second, the police make deals with gangsters. Now, are we surprised by that?" RPK

Tuesday, March 31

privacy so private...

my lobby.
where we going?

the right to privacy. been following the news? sleeping pictures of our mp having a round in the internet?
so yeah...i had a chance to do an assignment regarding privacy law for my communication law class. so after some hard work, we came out with this conclusion below.
Under the current legal framework which lack privacy law and protection, the Malaysian public are vulnerable to this form of invasion of privacy and breach of confidence.

With this important legal framework that needs to be updated, there is a need for a data protection legislation to regulate companies which sell information. Bodily privacy protection legislation to protect people’s physical selves against invasive procedures such as genetic tests, drug testing and so on. Privacy of communications which covers the security and privacy of mail, telephones, email and other form of communications should also be legislated. Privacy concerning territorial, which concerns the setting of limits on intrusion into personal space and public place, must also be legislated.

Therefore, with all this form of privacy protection in place and properly legislated, Malaysia would be able to move on to a communications and multimedia hub. Where the national adoption of e-based transactions is expected to be high, in this sort of commercial environment, Malaysia will be able to position itself as a preferred trading partner that conforms to international standards of privacy protection. With all this reasons given a legal framework of privacy protection have to be drafted as soon as possible, this is utmost important for Malaysia to move into a first world country with both first world mentality and infrastructure.
so what do you think? the right of privacy important? or my conclusion is just crappy?

blockA-wash you rhand
wash your hand cleans...

this doesn't mean something all the time...

1 *inspire me*:

Anonymous said...
