small talk.

Who do you run to when the only person who can make you stop crying, is the one who makes you cry?

''advertising is when the consumer goes to the toilet''

"This means two things. First, the police are more gangsters than the gangsters. Second, the police make deals with gangsters. Now, are we surprised by that?" RPK

Tuesday, April 28

you bought one for me.


Monday morning, didn't manage to sleep, high fever. So went for animation exam, with a bad headache and chills. sat there for 25 minutes, manage to finish the paper.

Tuesday night, Starbucks@Assunta Hospital. Got admitted into the hospital right after my exam. with 40.4 Celsius high fever. so still here now.

this hospital is cool. lolx. nuthin much to blog actually.

lets paint
let's paint.
the pain swell...

4 *inspire me*:

Alexio said...

Hey mannn take care...hope you are fine ! =)

Anonymous said...

tricking innocent people into buying your poison! *shake head*

ConstanceGan said...

hey man, get well soon!

tienseven-paikia™ said...

thanks, i'm well now and at home.

milocup@ i didn't trick you lar. you willingly. =P