a individual presentation today on my research proposal for my Communication Research Method(CRM). title of research: A Study on the Effectiveness of Viral Advertising in Klang Valley. its was good..i guess. i was able to give my best even though at first i was kinda nervous. while waiting for turn my heart was like beating so fast.. =P when i started my presentation i was laughing in front of the class..tell my teacher i was scare..trying to calm myself down. teacher was like saying '' i wont eat you lar, you also no meat'' lolx. when i started talking it just flow...haha..i'm back. you all that know what happen to me last year...i kinda lost my self confidence and all..was so down..everything else didnt matter accept her. but I'm back now. thank you to everyone that help me through this phase. thank you for bearing with me. haha..i know i was darn stubborn..i still am anyway. thank you very much.
back to the research proposal... Viral advertising was something i learn at aduplugged at kancil awards 2007( its a Malaysian Advertisng awards) it was an ad for BMW Mini cooper. it called ''whats in the Hercules'' i think you can find more information about it online its by BBDO Malaysia. but my favorite virals(viral advertising ads) is by the agency Droga5 , it was the clothing brand by Marc Ecko- Ecko Untld. they posted a video of someone tagging air force one and posted it on video sharing website and its spread like wild fire, the video also link you to the website www.stillfree.com. you can read more about it at Droga5 case study its on thier website. Viral advertising is something i really interested in, and think its going to be the next big thing in the Malaysia advertising scene. so watch out!!
to the election again...the BN advertisement is really getting to me. i mean i'm getting more irritated. they are really spending so much money(if they pay what normal advertiser pay ler) it like all advertising medium are use, outdoor, tv, radio, internet, print....walao....so much money meh?? All mainstream news is already about them, now my daily search for advertisement also got them(but good advertisment though like the strategy behind it)... so much money buy my vote ler?? hahahahhaa.... Can this people take a walk down KL and see how many homeless people that may not be having regular meals??
anyway here some interesting website on Malaysia
1.Malaysia Votes
2.Other Malaysian
3.Malaysia Today
to a lighter side a video from www.comedycourt.com.my
2 months ago
0 *inspire me*:
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