small talk.

Who do you run to when the only person who can make you stop crying, is the one who makes you cry?

''advertising is when the consumer goes to the toilet''

"This means two things. First, the police are more gangsters than the gangsters. Second, the police make deals with gangsters. Now, are we surprised by that?" RPK

Monday, March 3

random on Malaysia

Since BN propaganda is everywhere and their so good at it. thought it would be nice to give some attention to the others parties. here some of their election songs. DAP song it quite funny..lolx

here their official party web site if you all are interested DAP,
Keadilan, and PAS

Anwar's Speech(<-WATCH THIS)I really think this is something you all should watch and listen to this. do with a open mind and a mind free of prejudice. think about what he say, think about the situation in Malaysia now. it to the end some part are really funny. I know mainstream media say that we should be careful of him and all(suppose to be like a chameleon) but I believe we are smart enough or cerdik to decide on our own. since Magic Bullet Theory is proven no worries.

0 *inspire me*: