small talk.

Who do you run to when the only person who can make you stop crying, is the one who makes you cry?

''advertising is when the consumer goes to the toilet''

"This means two things. First, the police are more gangsters than the gangsters. Second, the police make deals with gangsters. Now, are we surprised by that?" RPK

Sunday, March 9

a better future...

I'm kinda in shock with the result, but happy none the less. many thought running are through my mind the whole day...with the election result and my communication theories assignment on MediaPrima. Brain clutter with data..that need to be process to information..lolx. feel so lost...

i'm suppose to apply 3 theory that is cultural industry, hegemony and political economy to what media prima is doing now.

back to the election result hope that the new government are able to work together,make a change,stands together regardless of color,religion, party and works towards a better Malaysia that all Malaysians can be proud of.

Remember that we are all human so check and balance have to be on both side.

please pray for peace, unity , good leaders, God will be done......


me blur...=P

0 *inspire me*: